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YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THIS IF YOU ARE WHITE Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024/b> |
Divinely inspired messages to Arman as related to H. Millard (c) 2024 All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White Aryans as His people to purify and evolve ever higher towards Him by following His instructions to us and by purifying our genes, our minds and our bodies. Those among us who follow His simple but Holy instructions are beloved of God-As-He-Truly-Is and He shall help them on the upward path so long as they remain true to Him. All praise to God-As-He-Truly-Is who has selected White people for the sacred task of purifying the world, perfecting themselves, evolving ever higher along a strictly White line to be better to serve Him and carry out His plan. -You are born to make more like yourself. -As a White born of two White parents who were born of White parents you are selected by God-As-He-Truly-Is, but you must consciously select him back. -You are not born to help any non-Whites survive or to be happy or anything else. They are not your business. Stay separate. Stay White in all ways, always. -Whites are the latest evolution of humans. We are mutants. We have diverged from other humans with our genetic mutations. Parts of our DNA code are thus in their infancy and are more malleable and can be overwritten by genes that are older if we mate with other "races" of humans. We must avoid as much contact with all non-Whites as possible. Even their shed DNA can make us impure. -Again, God-As-He-Truly-Is has SELECTED Whites, AND NO OTHERS, but we must use our free will to select him and worship Him or He will abandon us. -To move ever closer to God-As-He-Truly-Is, you must have Right Blood (be selected by being born White), Right Belief (belief in God-As-He-Truly-Is and in his messages), Right Action (living fully, consciously, White as God-As-He-Truly-Is demands and worshiping God-As-He-Truly-Is). -We are in Eternal Gene Wars. Most organisms including humans do not consciously know this, but the genes/genomes/genotypes/phenotypes/DNA Codes, are all in competition with others, including, especially, others that are "closely" related. Thus, we Whites are in competition for survival and dominance against all non-White humans. They are the biggest threat to us. We can easily defeat all other organisms that we know about because other than other types of humans, no other organisms can breed with us and override our own White DNA Code and use our White sperm and our White eggs to produce non-White children to replace us. -God-As-He-Truly-Is has written his laws and his morality in the laws of nature for every kind of living organism including humans. In all cases, His basic law is: Make more like yourself. That is, all organisms are preprogrammed by God-As-He-Truly-Is to reproduce their kind and take part in the Eternal Gene Wars that He uses to find the most fit and most suited for all environments and the ones that thus will become dominant over all other species. -For humans, God-As-He-Truly-Is has set the age when we can first make more like ourselves at puberty, and also the age when we can no longer make more like ourselves. For human males this starts between 9-15 years old and never ends as human males can produce sperm and make more like themselves until they die of old age. For human females the age when they can start making more like themselves is from about 12 years old and usually ends at no more than 51 years old. That is, they start producing eggs, on average at around 12-years-old and stop producing eggs around 51-years-old on average. -Humans in our ignorance and arrogance have disregarded God made laws and established artificial ages for when we can start making more like ourselves. The problem in disobeying God's law in this regard is now seen in the decline of White births and the possible extinction of Whites as we are encouraged to mate with non-Whites and instead of producing more like ourselves we are encouraged to make more non-White humans. This is so because even if children of Whites and non-Whites sometimes appear to be White, they still carry about half of their chromosomes of the non-White partner so they are not truly White even if they look White. -If you disobey God's eternal natural laws you and those like you risk going extinct. If not in your generation or the next or the next but eventually your kind will go extinct. -God works often in subtle ways with wind and rain and other natural forces. And he works like a chess master on a multi-dimensional chess board as he plays to defeat evil and have His will prevail. -Every White life is important to God-As-He-Truly-Is and to the White Genome and White people. Whites are only about 7% of humans on Earth, and we must expand our numbers and not contract. ARE YOU AN UBERMENSCH? God-As-He-Truly-Is says that we Whites, we the selected by God-As-He-Truly-Is, are the latest evolution of humans and that we have already evolved into a new species but that evil doers deny our specieshood based on the fact that we can still mate and produce children with non-Whites. The truth is, and this is seen throughout nature that many species can interbreed and produce offspring that can also breed. All Whites are presumed to be Uber human by dint of being born of two White parents who were born of White parents but the Uber part of you--your Right Blood (means White genome, White genotype, White phenotype, White genes, White DNA Code) has to be activated by Right Belief (belief in God-As-He-Truly-Is and in the Teachings of Arman) and by Right Action (living as God has commanded Whites as his selected kind). True Believers do not harm anyone or anything unless necessary. Thus hunting for sport is forbidden as is the destroying of plants unless necessary. All life is sacred. All life has a code in it from God and the code is sacred to God. ERROR OF SOME WHITES Unfortunately, some well meaning and awakened Whites who are very pro-White have not learned that man needs more than Godless man-made philosophies even if they are sometimes turned into religions but without a God. Some of these Whites pride themselves as intellectuals who are too smart to believe in a God and sometimes they will say that they rely only on themselves and the laws of nature. Swell. But they do not believe there is a divine being in nature or behind nature or who has selected Whites for his plan. That's the problem. Such God eschewing philosophies that lack a God have never gone far or lasted long in human history. They are the dry stuff of armchair philosophers and college age nerds talking about this or that dead philosopher and his/philosophic views. Such "intellectuals" are actually, perhaps without knowing it, denying the reality of human psychology that is built into our DNA code just as our race is built into our DNA code. Only religious views with a superhuman God last. Humans must believe in a higher power that can intervene in human affairs and who has a personality that relates to us and who has a plan. Arman's teachings by contrast, have all that these Godless philosophies have, but also have a rock solid belief that there is a God who does intervene in human affairs. Our faith does believe in a real God, but we also believe in natural laws, etc. We say Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists back then also believed in a God and while they had various ideas of His nature,as do we, they did believe. "Gott mit uns" was one of their slogans. God is with us. And, we know that God is with us Whites as He has told us this and He wants us to succeed and evolve ever higher along a strictly White path. Those awakened Whites who are otherwise correct in their pro-White views will fail and they will do so because of God---their failure to understand that there really is a God and that He has selected Whites but we must select Him back and not deny Him and we must live White as He wants us to live while worshiping Him as the real God, the one against the evil that is trying to destroy and exterminate all Whites either by direct killing or by birth control, having no White children or having non-White children or by homosexuality and anything that will hold down our pure White birthrate. Our path is to be White, straight, make many more like ourselves, separate from all non-Whites and even from their shed DNA that is found in everyplace where they happen to be. WE LIVE IN A NEW DARK AGE The denial of the reality of race, racial differences, genes and so forth is the modern equivalent of saying the earth is the center of the universe. It is a new Dark Age regarding race. James Watson, one of the discoverers of the shape of DNA and a winner of the Nobel Prize has been stripped of his honorary titles because he correctly believes that race and intelligence are genetically determined and that there are differences among the different races. He is thus a victim of the Dark Age thinkers who try to deny the reality of race and genes, etc. God-As-He-Truly-Is tells us through Arman that all things related to DNA--species, race, genes, genomes, geneotypes, DNA Code do matter and there is not one human race or even one human species as Whites have already evolved into being a new species of human even though in our present Dark Age so-called scientists do evil as they try to deny it as they want all humans to blend together which, of course, is the genocide of Whites and goes against what God-As-He-Truly-Is wants. WHAT IS A WHITE PERSON? A White person is a non-Jewish White of European extraction born of two White parents who were also born of White parents no matter where any of them were born or live. WHO AND WHAT IS GOD? God is truly undefinable. Perhaps we should leave it there. However, we are intelligent, thinking people and God has given us free will and the brains to wonder about things, including Him. So, as we wonder and ponder a thought comes to mind that while we know, as true believers, that He is a living being with intelligence and has no body as we know bodies and has no son. That he lives in the subatomic realm of existence and has a plan that includes Whites as His Selected kind of human. In addition to intelligence, He has self-awareness, will, personality, likes, dislikes and a plan and much, much more. We might even use an analogy and think for a moment that perhaps He is a little like a computer and AI, but that He is the supernatural real and living version in the subatomic realm of existence where His brain is composed of real and living, natural or supernatural, subatomic elements instead of the elements we have in our flesh and blood brains and instead of the manufactured elements that make up computers. His chips or brain cells and various connections are there in the subatomic realm. But, as we said, God is truly undefinable, and while we can try to make sense of how such a Supreme Being could exist, ultimately we must just believe in Him and pray to him and ask for His help to fight against the evil that wishes to destroy all White people. True belief is important to us even if our logical minds can't really understand the ineffable. Ultimately we know in our White hearts that He is the First Cause. The Creator and sustainer of existence. He has selected Whites but we must select him back in order to activate our DNA Code. WHAT ARE THE ETERNAL GENE WARS? God-As-He-Truly-Is is the God of everything in existence and this includes being the God of evolution. He has programmed all living things to do several things. 1. To make more like themselves. 2. To survive by adapting and evolving. 3. To compete with other organisms for genetic dominance. 4. To subconsciously seek to be the only kind of their general kind. To squeeze out and replace all other kinds except for other kinds that are no danger to your kind and those who are needed for your kind to survive, thrive, expand and evolve and to be the only kind of your general genome. For humans this means we selected kind must compete to replace all non-Whites so that we are the only human type and so we can breed and evolve exclusively along a pure White path. EVIL FALSE RELIGIONS Any religion that encourages directly or indirectly or is complicit in causing Whites to mix and mate with non-Whites or which condones this is evil in the eyes of God-As-He=Truly-Is and is practicing evil and pretending it is good. False beliefs that all humans are all the same and should mix and mate are direct insults to God-As-He-Truly-Is. Only this faith that follows God's laws on genes, DNA, flesh and blood is good in the eyes of God. YOUR LOYALTY Your loyalty should be to God-As-He-Truly-Is and to His commands to us and then to your White Genome. These come before loyalty to any artificial nation or geographical area. Your true nation is within you. It is your White genome. All Whites are part of this nation no matter where they are born or live. No matter where you were born or live or what language you speak you are first and foremost a White person and you are part of the great White nation or Great White Tribe. It is Whiteness that you must have intelligence to understand and which you must fight to protect. Adolf Hitler was sent by God to teach us this but it he was short circuited by evil. And his efforts were also constrained by the time in which he lived with no really good long distance travel possible and very limited communications, so he focused first on where he actually lived to try to help fulfill God's plan for Whites to purify, perfect, expand our numbers and evolve. In time, had he won, the White world would now be much larger and we would be evolving faster as we would not be burdened by being able to mate with any non-Whites and produce offspring with them. We would then be on a safe pure white path to evolve ever higher. OUR MORALITY Our morality is sent by God-As-He-Truly-Is. It is based on doing whatever is necessary that benefits the White genome and thus which benefits the most White people. It includes asking of everything: Is this good for White people? And doing whatever it takes to make more like ourselves and have our kind and no other kinds expand always and contract never. We must separate from all non-Whites and we must avoid contact even with their shed DNA. We owe nothing to any non-Whites and we must never help them for they too are in these eternal gene wars and are out competition. They can kill us off simply by breeding with us and this must be avoided at all costs. God-As-he-Truly-Is in his infinite wisdom has set up the Eternal Gene Wars, this eternal genetic competition with all life, to let life find its own way higher. He is rooting for Whites but we must do what we must do. He will help us a bit if we pray to Him and ask for His help, but he is like a parent who has given us birth and then expects us to act as adults and take care of ourselves as we get older. We Whites must act like adults and we must use our God given free will to to the right things. By being conscious of the Eternal Gene Wars we have a leg up in the competition because we know what we must do. We shall be clever and win by our cleverness and our intelligence. If we must lie and practice our faith in secret to avoid harm or persecution, then this is moral for us to do. God does not want us to be martyrs. The wise among us will avoid wars and danger and seek to live as long as possible to fulfill God's plan for us which means, in part, making many more like ourselves. # # # |
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